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Green Bay Area Public School District









About Lombardi

At Lombardi, "We're In-VINCE-ible!" Our tradition of excellence is built upon the search for continuous improvement and lifelong learning for all students and staff. 

Why Choose Lombardi?

  • We have a program designed for students identified as "Gifted & Talented.
  • We have an instructional program designed for students with hearing loss. 
  • We offer more than 50 elective courses/activities so all students can explore their interests. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in our numerous athletic programs, robotics clubs, and other engaging activities. 
  • We provide a STEAM educational experience for all students, resulting in multiple opportunities to master various standards. Interdisciplinary units of study, multiple inquiry-based and project-based lessons, and a focus on career awareness results in consistent growth for all learners. 
  • We have a fully equipped Metals Lab, a Virtual Reality Lab, as well as advanced courses in Project Lead the Way. 

The Lombardi Way

During the past few years, staff members have met to discuss the importance of building a positive, culture and climate involving building-wide expectations at Lombardi Middle School.  Although over 95% of LMS students are EXCELLENT everyday at school, we began discussing the fact that we could do a better job outlining and teaching what our expectations for student behavior are.  Staff members continued their research and were trained in a framework called Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (P.B.I.S.), which added to the depth and understanding of what we call the "Lombardi Way."

The Lombardi Way traits include all of the expectations that we have of students during each and every school day.  A Lombardi Way matrix was created focusing on three main components:  Be Respectful...Be Responsible...and Be Safe.  During the first day of school and on subsequent days, these expectations have been taught extensively to all middle school students.  Periodically reminders or "boosters" will be taught to the students as we evaluate student behavior data just like we evaluate student academic performance data.  Each month, staff members will focus on the three components:  respect, responsibility, and safety.  Students will be recognized by staff members nominating them for “student of the month.”  At the end of each month, students will receive a certificate and their picture taken to be put into the “Student-of-the-Month” Hall of Fame.  At Lombardi, we feel that if we increase our focus on clearly outlining and teaching expectations, academic performance will also improve.  We are asking that at home parents also help reinforce these important traits of the Lombardi Way.  


Lombardi Middle School building with tan bricks. Red car parked in front.


School Facts 

  • School Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.
  • Summer School Hours: 8:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
  • Grades: 6-8
  • Student Enrollment: 700+

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2024-25 School Success Plan